
We created the Christmas tree that hit the headlines

Tesco wanted to go big to raise awareness of its 2023 Winter Food Collection. We delivered in spectacular style, in the shape of a huge, headline-grabbing alternative Christmas tree.

Four weeks out, we were presented with a noble challenge by the retailer and its charity partners FareShare and the Trussell Trust. They asked us to design and build a 7-metre tree from the 10 most-needed food bank items, as the centrepiece of a community press event held in the aptly-named Trafalgar Square in Scarborough.

We relished the creative and practical challenge of curating such an eye-catching design on budget and within tight timescales. The tree needed major visual impact, while being sturdy enough to weather the elements in one of the wettest parts of the UK. And then there was the red tape: road closures, permits, traffic and crowd management, local security and crew.

We erected the tree in one day and still found time to get involved in community outreach (mince pie anyone?). And despite bad weather, we were able to keep all of the products box-fresh, ready to go on to local food banks afterwards.


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